paw30Happy Tails!


1 year old Catahoula X was dumped with his brother in a field in rural KS. The local animal control had to live trap them because they were so scared out there. Sammy had to be left in the trap a little longer because he was so scared, before they could move him into a kennel. When we got him out of the shelter and into our foster home he seemed shy and timid, but warmed up quickly. By the end of the week (before he was adopted) he was following me around the house, curling up on the couch with me, and sleeping in bed with me and my dogs. He was a real sweetheart. He was adopted in just 1 week after we rescued him and is now happy in a home with a family of 5, with 3 little kids, 2 senior cats, a loving mom, and a dad who he can hang out with all day that works from home! He has warmed up to his new family quickly!

Annie Fluffers

Late March 2016 I started fostering a very pregnant long haired black cat, I named Annie Fluffers. She was a one year stray from Jenni Leighs hood that someone was feeding for a while. 5 days later she gave birth to 5 healthy kittens and was a wonderful mom. When they were about 6-7 weeks, ARR came up with four 4-week old’s that still needed to nurse so I took them and Annie Fluffers nursed them as well until they were adopted! 10 kittens total she was nursing!

When it was finally time for her to get her forever home, it only took about 2-3 weeks for an adopter to apply for her. This is quite soon for any adult, let alone a black cat. They usually take longer. There were one or two other longhaired black cats on the ARR website that were friendly that had been waiting for months to get a home. This adopter came from Aurora to Fort Collins and immediately fell in love with her and her green eyes. A short time later she painted a beautiful large painting of Annie Fluffers, which is amazingly done. Annie is one lucky girl! Her new mama loves her a lot!