Foster Information
Fostering a pet is a wonderful way to save a homeless at-risk pet!
Why should I foster?
Each animal fostered is an animal saved. ARR can only rescue pets from overcrowded shelters if we have room for them in a foster home.
Fostering is a Win-Win! For YOU: Fostering is a hugely rewarding experience that can give your life purpose and fulfillment—you can feel proud knowing that you may very well be the only reason a pet is still alive! And it’s a role that pays off in a huge way: in loving kisses, grateful cuddles, and fun adventures. For the PET: Fostering provides a second chance at life and the one-on-one attention every pet needs and deserves. It also helps prepare them for adoption by giving them an opportunity to live in a home where they can fully express their personality, work to overcome any fears, and learn how to trust again and be a member of a loving family. Love heals!
What does a foster parent do?
The purpose of foster care is to provide a safe home for rescue pets until the right forever home is found. A foster parent does everything a pet owner does, just for a shorter time—daily care, feeding, grooming, reinforcing obedience, giving the pet a safe play to stay, and lots of love and affection. Foster parents are important for so many reasons but the biggest one is that foster parents help get their pet ready for a successful adoption such as helping them recover from an injury or surgical procedure, providing some additional training, and learning the pet’s personality so they can pass accurate information on to a prospective adopter.
How long will the foster pet stay with me?
This is a difficult question to answer because there is no fixed time. Some pets are able and ready to be adopted sooner than others and there is really no way of determining how long this will take. We need committed fosters who will keep a pet as long as it takes for them to find their forever home.
Do I need to be home all day in order to foster?
No. Unless you are fostering a pet that needs bottle feeding or has critical health needs, your foster should be able to stay home during your work day just like any other pet.
Do I have to pay for everything myself?
No! ARR covers the costs of all medical care of foster pets, such as veterinary exams, vaccines, microchips, and spay/neuter. If you don’t have a crate, we will try to provide one to you. Regarding small or incidental expenses, if you need something, just ask your foster coordinator. Also, all expenses associated with your foster pet are tax deductible!
Isn’t it hard to let go of a foster after getting attached?
It is completely natural to love your foster and it is never easy to let them go. But when you meet the perfect family that will give the animal their permanent home, you will be happy for your foster. And just think, when you deliver your foster to their new home you will be able to save and foster another animal in need!
Isn’t it hard on a foster pet to go to an adoptive home after getting used to being in a foster home?
Being in a foster home is a lifesaving bridge for pet; it’s a temporary but necessary step for a lot of dogs and cats to help them to be prepared for a new life in a permanent home. Spending time in a foster home gives animal a chance to feel safe and learn that people are kind and can be trusted, and food and a warm bed are always available. When a pet is ready for a forever home, it’s kind of like graduating from one school level to another—they have learned what they need to know about love and safety and are now ready physically and emotionally to move on to new adventures with new loving people!
Am I allowed to adopt my foster pet?
Of course! It is lovingly called “foster failure” and it happens!
I already own a pet. Can I still foster?
Absolutely! Before you bring a foster animal home, we suggest you consult with your veterinarian to make sure your own pets are up-to-date on their vaccinations. It’s also important to carefully consider how your current pet will do with a new family member.
What about fostering when I have children at home?
Fostering is a great way to introduce your children to animals and let them have the interaction and love of a pet, without necessarily making a lifetime commitment. Not only will it benefit your child to play with an animal and have a pet to take care of (i.e., learn responsibility), fostering also shows them through action the importance of giving and volunteering.
How do I give fostering a try?
To learn more about fostering with ARR and to apply to be a foster, please click the button below.