Rainbow Bridge Tributes – Red (BAMF)

by | Feb 2, 2021 | Rainbow Bridge Tributes

June 2nd of 2013, my husband and I went to Petsmart in Loveland to buy dog food for our other dog Rock, and we came home with a 130lbs Rottweiler, named Red! We had our hand’s full with two large boys in the house but loved every minute of it! Unfortunately about one year later Red went into cardiac arrest and we almost lost him twice. We would like thank the VCA and CSU for working quickly too save his life and installing a pacemaker. He was back to being Big Red almost immediately. We had to put our beloved lab down in October of 2014, having Red with us made mourning the loss of Rock easier. Although Big Red was intimidating he had a way of welcoming people by leaning against them and making them pet him. Red was the biggest baby ever! We had a wonderful three and a half years with Red! Though he did cost a small fortune, we would not change a thing. We have many memories and countless picture’s, he will forever be missed!
With Love,
Mommy and Daddy