Aspen – Aspen, the white and orange kitty snuggling with the family dog, is a walking miracle – literally. Born with a severe deformity in his front legs, Aspen struggled to learn to walk. When he was a tiny kitten, his funny bowlegged gait looked adorable, but veterinarians were concerned that he wouldn’t be able to walk as he grew. Specialists were consulted by ARR and surgery was recommended as a possibility, along with leg braces. But Aspen had other ideas! He didn’t know that his walk was funny, and he proceeded to surprise his foster parents and all of us at ARR. As he grew, he continued to walk on his own, and although he’ll never walk normally, he gets around quite well now. And the best news is that Aspen’s foster parents decided to adopt him! Now he’ll be able to snuggle wtih the dog daily, and no one will care that he’s bowlegged!