Ace and Baby

by | Mar 16, 2021 | Success Stories

Meet Ace and Baby, 2 senior Chihuahuas who were adopted in early February. With a combined age of 24 years, we are happy to announce that they have found a happy home to live out the rest of their years! Kim, their adopter, has so many good things to say about these two:
Ace and Baby are so amazing! They act like puppies, running around and playing, or just cuddling which they will do all day, every day if you’re able. Ace prances around like a show pony and is incredibly agile. We purchased a pup playpen for them, if we ever needed to leave them home which has yet to happen, and as soon as we put them in, Ace jumped right over the top. Baby loves to paw at Ace while they’re in bed and jumps around at night, trying to start trouble with him. She also stands on him when he burrows under the covers. 🤣 They are the most affectionate pets we have ever had, and always want to be loved and rubbed, and if you ignore them for a minute, they’ll happily sit on your head to remind you they need love. They are very protective of us and Ace, in particular, loves to patrol the windows and glass doors and watch for anything moving to bark and let them know he’s here. They love car rides and a good Puppuccino! Baby had her teeth removed but was insistent upon not eating her carefully prepared soft diet and taking Ace’s meal every time, so we tracked down ultra small kibble for her and she snacks all day. They bring us so much happiness and we laugh at their antics every day. They are, however, terrible bed hogs for their small size, and we probably need to get king beds just for them. We are so fortunate to have them in our lives!